在Ubuntu 10.04 下安装Ispcp管理虚拟主机

一时大意,在服务器上装了ubuntu10.04,由于太新了,ispcp最新版本ispCP Omega 1.0.6 • 2010-08-04都不能直接安装,所以从svn check了最新的代码来安装

1. check ispCP

  njava@njava.com:~$svn checkout http://www.isp-control.net:800/ispcp_svn/trunk/

2. update相关组件,监测安装脚本, 在ubuntu 10.04下将识别出ubuntu-packages-lucid的脚本

 njava@njava.com:~$cd trunk
  njava@njava.com:~$aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade
  njava@njava.com:~$aptitude install $(cat ./docs/Ubuntu/ubuntu-packages-`lsb_release -cs`)


On the courier screen select 'no' to web directories.
When you get to the postfix screen select 'internet site', eventually type in 'root'
for mail. If you've set your system up correctly on install your domain should already be
on screen in the next step, otherwise fill in the host domain name of your server.
Eventually select 'no' to force sync updates.

Proftpd should be configured as standalone (i.e. not inetd)

If you get to the rootkithunter screen, select two times 'yes'


njava@njava.com:~$ make -f Makefile.ubuntu install
njava@njava.com:~$ cp -Rv /tmp/ispcp/* /
njava@njava.com:~$ rm -fR `find /var/www/ispcp/ -type d -name '.svn'`
njava@njava.com:~$ cd /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup
njava@njava.com:~$ perl ispcp-setup 

x. 删除所有的.svn目录信息的步骤必须注意,一定要做,不然.svn目录对后续操作有影响。


rm -fR /tmp/ispcp


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星期一, 16 8 月, 2010 服务器

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